Hi, I'm Alex!

I'm a software engineer who enjoys understanding how things work under the hood and making them work better :)

I'm often asked, "Hey Alex, what kind of programming do you do?" Honestly, it's hard to pin down to just one thing. I've worked on everything: backend, distributed systems, system programming, embedded hardware, cryptography, compilers, computer graphics. I find it immensely enjoyable to learn how things work at a low level and go down rabbit holes, and I pick up whatever's needed to build what I'm excited about.

Over the years, I've had the opportunity to wear many hats in my career - from developing SCADA systems and desktop applications in C++, to designing robust backend architectures and implementing RESTful APIs using Java and Python. Right now, I'm working as a DevOps engineer on the infrastructure team to improve internal systems and develop in-house software to increase team productivity and products reliability. My experience spans a wide array of technologies, including Linux, Docker, CMake, Conan, Qt, Spring Boot, Flask, and more.

I've worked in both big companies and small startups, and each experience fuels my love for problem-solving and building things that matter. Whether it's developing cross-platform solutions, designing scalable architectures, or optimizing low-level code, I love turning complex problems into elegant solutions.

I believe that constant learning is key to staying ahead in this fast-paced industry, and I truly enjoy the journey. For me, the journey of learning and improving my skills is as rewarding as the outcome itself.

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to explore and get to know a bit more about me and my work. Check out the projects page to see a highlight of my open-source work, reading for summaries and reviews from books I've read and more. There is also an article about my early school projects.
